Friday, April 22, 2011

DAY 4: Love that Endures

Today is Day 4 of the Omer. . . Ha-yom arba'ah yamim la-omer.

THE OMER INTERSECTION: Chesed + Nitzach;  The Endurance of Love.
Shabbat Shalom!  Today, we celebrate the aspects of chesed, lovingkindness, that are enduring.  We all hope that the loves in our lives will always be there.  It can be easy to take for granted that family or friends, parents or spouses or children will just be there for us.  However, this intersection of virtues reminds us that if we want to ensure this is the case, at times we have to invest in our relationships.  Enduring relationships don't just happen, we have to work at them.  We all carry with us expectations of others.  At times, we fail to live up to our loved ones expectations, and at other times, they disappoint us.  When these challenging times happen, we hope that our love will be strong enough to endure - that we will struggle with our unmet expectations and find a way to keep loving. 

So, how do we apply this idea?  According to the Spiritual Guide to the Omer, this day is the opportunity to ask ourselves which relationships we have in our lives that are worth fighting for.  And from there, our challenge is to do something that fights on behalf of a loved one.  And this could be a wonderful challenge for the day!  At the same time, this thought should challenge us to think about what we offer to our loved ones that shows them and shows ourselves that we are worth fighting for, as well.  So, the action I'm going to suggest for this year is part reflection, part action.
1) Identify for ourselves why we are worth fighting for - why would someone put up with us in times in which we might fall short of the expectations of others.  If we can't see our own worth, it can sometimes be hard to ask others to be with us.
2) Think of your list of enduring loves - those loved ones for whom we would do anything, and vice-versa.  As you think through that list, try to identify who might need a little bit of extra support at this time.
3) ACT - go ahead and make a gesture of chesed, of loving-kindness, to support them in their struggles.  Reach out to one of those friends/family members/loved ones and show them how enduring your love is for them.    
Yesterday's omer challenge that emerged (with some effort) from the intersection of chesed with tiferet (beauty/compassion) was to make a detailed plan to surprise a loved one in an effort to make that relationship SHINE.  I found that to be a great way to marry these virtues in our world today.  I did set forth to make some detailed arrangements for a future date, and in doing so, it helped me remember just how beautiful it is to have a relationship with this person.  Maybe, once the plan comes to fruition, I might be able to share more details.  But for now, if you know me, be on the lookout - this could apply to you!

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