Step 1: Take out your calendar, find a time for 10-15
minutes where you can “work-out” and copy the following steps into a time slot
that works for you. (If now is a good
time, then skip step 1)
Step 2: Take our your reflections from last week and
review (If you need a reminder of the previous weeks, click
here or click here)
Step 3: Reflect on the following questions (you are
strongly encouraged to journal your thoughts and put them down on paper). Be honest and avoid the temptation to become
defensive, even to yourself.
Who must you forgive in order to move forward?
Who do you need to ask forgiveness from?
Make a list.
At the end of each list, add your name.
- Of those you need to forgive, pause and take a moment to think about what you need in order to offer forgiveness – can you do it even if they do not reach out to you? Remember: forgiving does not require forgetting, but it does require openness.
Of those you need to ask forgiveness, list the
offenses you feel that you have brought to others and have the need to move
Finally, take a few moments to reflect on
yourself – what do you need in order to let go of looking negatively at your
own sense of self in this matter? Write
down your own ask for forgiveness and your response to that ask.
OPTIONAL: Repeat for another pattern you had
Step 4: Take your calendar back out – schedule times
to email, call, facetime, text, facebook message, tweet, or visit with the people
you hope to ask forgiveness and do it!
Say the hard words and mean them.
May these Elul workouts bring us a step closer to a
healthier, happier new year!
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