Elul Cool-Down: Connecting
We have started the New Year, we’ve already reflected, and we’ve imagined our dreams for the year we hope to see. Now is the time for our cool-down to carry our Elul workouts into the year we have started; time to figure out which connections we hope to make.
- What is one way I can more deeply connect with myself in this New Year? This time of year is about reflection and growth. Now that we’ve identified the person we hope to become, what will get us there? How do I connect with the inner me? Will I read a few books I hoped to get to? Will I carve out running time to clear my head? Will I invest in my Jewish traditions that help center and ground me? How can you make sure to keep your “you-ness” throughout this year?
If we can find points of connection this year, I’m certain it will be an incredible New Year for us all.