Wednesday, April 16, 2014

OMER DAY 1: Accounting Blessings

It is still the chag, the festival period of Passover, a time of joy.  So, I'm going to start my accounting from a place of joy and happiness.  At the recent CCAR conference (it's the big rabbis union), I heard from a number of folks that hope and inspiration is a much better motivator than fear.
I heard that phrase and just took it in - I thought, "Sure - makes sense." But now that I reflect on it in context of our Omer accounting, it makes more sense. What we love drives us to think bigger about doing what is truly right and just, to dream for the heights and swing for the fences.  Fear may more urgently drive us, but only so far as to do just enough to get us out of the fearful zone.  Living in fear for too long causes too many neuroses, so the constant fear option doesn't work for me either.

Today's Omer accounting involves taking stock of that which makes you happy.  So far, the format I'll be using is to introduce the accounting theme of the day, a reflection question (or two), and some active tasks.  Will I be able to do it all each day?  Who knows?  But we can't get there if we don't try!  This blog will serve as my journal.  I invite you to do the same for yourself - journal your own Omer accounting.

Personal Omer reflection #1: Take stock of the blessings you are feeling right now (do not put too much pressure on yourself to be comprehensive)

  • Though I'm often too busy to notice, I am feeling incredibly blessed right now.  And I don't use the word "blessed" lightly: the overtly religious connotation sits in my throat a bit every time I talk use it - it feels almost supernatural.  Yet, when I allow myself to get over the word's cultural context, it represents the idea that I am able to experience happiness and joy from things that are not fully under my own control.  I may be able to influence the love my wife has for me through acts of care and careful listening (which I know I would like to do more of than I actually end up doing) - but, ultimately, I cannot control her love for me - it is her willing choice to insanely feel such sentiments for a guy like me.  And so I cannot take for granted and think it is in my own hands - it is a blessing.
  • So, random word-association list of blessings:
    • The love of an incredibly talented and beautiful inside-and-out partner in my wife.
    • Kids that make me smile just by taking breaths
    • Sunshine
    • Chicago Cubs baseball, no matter how futile this year's hopes are
      • Daughters who know not of such futility, but instead laugh with joy and say "Go Cubs" every time they see a big, red "C" or a pitcher throwing a ball, regardless of his team.
    • Community
    • Dancing
    • Ability to think and solve problems
    • DVR
    • Kosher-for-Passover jelly fruit slices (sorry, Rach, but those things just make me happy)
    • Random phone calls/emails from friends 
    • That the movie Starship Troopers exists
    • The moments when someone notices the effort I put in
    • Catching one's breath while running and getting into the zone
    • Living in the present
I could go on and on, but the omer accounting is not intended to take up the entire day.  Already, though, I'm feeling much smilier (not-a-word, but it should be) than when I sat down at the computer!

Omer task #1: Show someone they are your blessings

  • Say "Thank  you" to someone who looks out for you on a daily basis, above and beyond the "call of duty"
  • Say "I love you" to a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while.
  • Write a hand-written note (thank you card, letter, anything) to someone who makes you happy.

Today is Day 1 of the Omer. . . Ha-yom yom echad la-omer.

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